Monday, March 31, 2008

Grad life !

Phew...its that time of the semester where the 2nd half has just begun but you can't wait for the semester to end. Its unbelievable how much I have learned in the 8 months I have been here and how much more I learn each day. A drawing of a part on SolidWorks has prompted this post.......I never even knew what the SolidWorks layout looked like, forget about knowing how to use it. Using the awesome tutorial, in 30 minutes flat I ended up making a relatively complex part, which would have taken ages on AutoCAD, am sure !After the drawing, the concern was to put it in a form so that it can be sent for manufacturing. Now that is the most irritating part of drawing sheets as any Indian UG engg would agree........the 6mm, 12 mm and 60mm by 150mm block and the "stylized" writing in it. Dreading that part, I did click on the tutorial...and *POP*, there is a template for that ! The grin that passed over my face was pretty surprising, even to me :D

Ending this nerdy post, (I have become such a nerd, it ain't even funny!) I absolutely love working my ass off and going home tired and hungry and fixing myself something/talking to people/plopping in bed...though it scares me at most times as to how effortlessly people in my classes go through the homework while I can't figure out for the life of me what the **** has to be done...anyone with similar sentiments around ?

1 comment:

Shar said...

You said "Phew"!!! NOOOOOO!!! :D