Friday, December 26, 2008

Slumdog !

Finished watching Slumdog Millionaire: what a fantastic movie - in both senses of the word "fantastic". Its always a good feeling to see Bombay on the silver screen - especially in a global context because you know that you are able to see way more than other people can. When you see a VT, they see trains and people - you know what it means to have traveled through there, waited there - the sweat the stink the urgency of people while you wait, the laxity of people while you rush. A person from Bombay can realize that while the scenes in which the kid goes through shit to see the Big B and that entire households come to a standstill for the final question are entirely plausible, the whole idea of the slum kid getting breaks like he did in the movie is almost impossible. But then - its Bombay and stuff always works out! Another thought that ran through my mind was everyone around saw him winning 2 crores - he only knew what he had gone through to win it and how it was an accessory compared to what he really wanted - and got. Which is another lesson in luck favours the brave , there are no free lunches etc etc.

Awesome awesome movie - I'll be looking to see it again for sure !

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